Living with the EMBLEM MRI S-ICD System

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Living with EMBLEM MRI S-ICD System
Once you have fully recovered from the defibrillator implant procedure, your normal daily life should change very little. These tips can help you in performing common activities.
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Questions for Your Doctor: Lifestyle
What should you expect in your day-to-day life with the EMBLEM MRI S-ICD System? Refer to these questions when talking to your doctor.
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Get a list of patient organizations, EMBLEM MRI S-ICD hospitals, and EMBLEM MRI S-ICD-trained doctors in your area. Helpful links and downloads.
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Find an electrophysiologist in your area trained and experienced in the cutting-edge EMBLEM MRI S-ICD technology.
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*Results from case studies are not necessarily predictive of results in other cases. Results in other cases may vary.