Sudden Cardiac Arrest

What is
Sudden Cardiac Arrest?
Sudden Cardiac Arrest is a serious and life-threatening medical emergency. During Sudden Cardiac Arrest, heart function stops—abruptly and without warning. Without immediate treatment with defibrillation (an electrical shock to the heart), brain damage and death can occur.

What Causes
Sudden Cardiac Arrest?
Sudden Cardiac Arrest can strike persons of any age, gender, race, and even those who seem to be in good health. Often, Sudden Cardiac Arrest is caused by a problem with the electrical system of the heart, which may be the result of coronary artery disease, a heart attack, or other heart problems.

Sudden Cardiac Arrest
The first and often only symptom of Sudden Cardiac Arrest is loss of consciousness—from lack of blood to the brain. While there are often no warning signs before Sudden Cardiac Arrest occurs, some symptoms may appear beforehand.

Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA)
Most people who have Sudden Cardiac Arrest die from it—often within minutes. Immediate treatment with cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and a defibrillator (a device that sends an electric shock to the heart) can be lifesaving.

Questions for Your Doctor:
After diagnosis, it’s normal to have questions about what to expect next. Learn some important questions to ask your doctor to help you get the most from your healthcare appointments.

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